
Are Stun Guns Legal in New York State

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Self-defense is paramount for many people in today`s climate. But in New York State, strict gun laws could prevent guns from being someone`s first choice, and that`s why many turn to Tasers instead. “I didn`t want them to be defenseless,” Neiditch said. “I saw what is happening in the city. Homeless people were also very aggressive near our properties on the Upper West Side. In this way, my people can protect themselves without killing anyone. Stun guns are not lethal weapons. They just give you a leg for the fact that you can`t be killed yourself. The legality of stun guns and tasers in New York State falls into a kind of “gray zone,” and interpretation requires a review of state laws, federal jurisprudence, and state jurisprudence.

Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we`ll see stun guns and electric darts become legal in the state, providing extra security for those who don`t want to rely on a deadly gun. For the avoidance of doubt, it is any device designed as a weapon for the purpose of numbing, knocking out, causing mental disorientation, or paralyzing a person by transmitting a high electric shock to a person. An electric arrow projects arrows that are attached to the main unit with wires. Once these darts have penetrated the skin, they deliver volts that temporarily deactivate a person. The Avitabile Court expressly left open the possibility that certain restrictions on the possession and/or use of stun guns and Tasers may be constitutional. So it`s up to New York lawmakers to change their laws if they want to impose restrictions such as permit requirements, similar to those in some other states. Finally, there may be other county/local laws that govern the ownership of stunning amenities in New York State. It is the sole responsibility of the person who owns the CEW to conduct research and comply with all laws. Stun Gun Jen Lester said the legal team at Damsel in Defense informed them that it was legal to deliver here.

“We believe the case would not hold up if you were arrested because you had a stun gun,” she said. “It all comes down to the DA in your district,” said Matt Mallory, a military veteran and gun instructor at PS & Education who was the first TASER civilian instructor in New York City. “There are quite a few people who want stun guns, but they don`t know you can get an aggressive DA that might haunt you because you have one. It`s in limbo right now. New York is one of seven states where stun guns are illegal. However, and perhaps surprisingly, possession of a handgun is allowed in the state as long as the person buying the gun has permission to do so. But then we have to ask ourselves why it is normal for guns to be legal, stun guns and electric darts not? (1) He or she possesses a firearm, an electronic dart gun, an electronic stun gun, a switching blade knife, a ballistic pilum knife, a metal ankle knife, a tube sword, a billy, a blackjack, a club, an ankle, a plastic ankle, a chuka stick, a sandbag, a sand club, a wrist support or a slungshot, a shirken or a “kung fu star”… There may be some confusion regarding the possession of stun guns and tasers, but a court decision on this issue should address any cloudiness regarding their legality when worn in self-defense. Various media outlets say the law banning civilian Tasers and stun guns is still in effect, however, a federal judge ruled in 2019 that the law is unconstitutional. The reason stun guns are illegal in New York lies in the supposed risk associated with them. Lawmakers have banned them because they believe they can cause heart attacks and because they are supposed to ignite flammable liquids. In fact, there is a misconception that surrounds most of the following weapons.

Many people consider them illegal and lead to arrest simply because they have them in their possession. But, as explained below, one of the following can be used to protect you from a violent or deadly attack and, in most cases, it is completely legal to wear in New York State. Whether it`s HyperWhistle or a similar competing brand, these pipes are completely legal to wear, even on an airplane. In Avitabile v. in 2019 Beach (1:16-CV-1447), the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York ruled that “New York`s complete prohibition of the possession and use of Tasers and stun guns by all citizens for all purposes, including self-defense at home, must be declared unconstitutional.” Manhattan-based developer Daniel Neiditch has equipped 15 of its employees with New York City`s latest must-have accessory: stun guns and tasers. Neiditch is just one of many frightened New Yorkers and people across the country who are grabbing more sophisticated and sometimes deadly stun guns and Tasers.