
Legal Aid Brisbane Family Law

CCLA`s Family Law Division provides free and experienced representation in family law matters, including domestic violence, restraining orders, divorce, paternity and human trafficking. Legal aid for family disputes is provided by a number of government-funded agencies to help vulnerable members of the community. If you want to apply for legal aid, you must complete an application form. We also need the following financial documents: Eight Aboriginal organizations are funded under the program to provide legal aid services at a number of permanent sites, court districts and outreach sites in urban, rural and remote areas. State and territory bars and law societies offer professional family law accreditation to select lawyers. The Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia provides a list of State and Territory Bar Associations that can be searched to find a family law lawyer in your area. To apply, please click on the link at the top of the Get Help page and complete an online application. You can also download the Family Law Application Package, complete the entire application and email it to family@legalaid.org. A paralegal will contact you to process your request.

An overview of family law tax transfers (PDF, 213KB) with an overview of phases, clause codes, hours and fees is also available. This overview can be used in conjunction with the Grants Manual. For more information on services available to survivors of human trafficking, please call 754-312-3349 or vsexton@legalaid.org. If you visit the Legal Guru office in Brisbane for a private consultation, we can process the legal aid documents with you. The type of legal aid is that you can`t choose your lawyer, but you can ask a lawyer or law firm to represent you. Get legal advice today by booking your free consultation with one of our lawyers. The Representation Information and Guidance for Human Trafficking Survivors (RIGHTS) program provides comprehensive, free civil justice services to trafficking survivors living in Broward County. RIGHTS is a holistic, trauma-informed legal program. In this approach, a survivor does not have to share their experiences with multiple lawyers, but works with a single lawyer on multiple legal issues. Legal services in this area include: expungements, T visas, civil injunctions, divorces, name changes, and parental responsibility. RIGHTS services are free and there are no financial restrictions.

The Indigenous Legal Aid Program funds organisations that provide culturally appropriate legal aid services needed to ensure Indigenous Australians receive the help they need to overcome their legal problems and fully exercise their legal rights. Select your state or territory for specific information about legal aid: Men`s Rights Service Family law lawyers are there to help men with parenting, property arrangements, divorce, and domestic violence issues. Legal aid commissions are independent statutory bodies established under state and territory legislation. In each state and territory, legal aid boards provide a wide range of legal aid services in legal matters, including family law. Community legal centres also provide information, advice and assistance on family law, including cases involving allegations of domestic violence. With law firms based in New Farm and Goodna, our lawyers are dedicated to the best results and value for money, no matter what area you need help with. The Men`s Legal Service`s mediation service can help men resolve family disputes by mutual consent. This can eliminate the need for lengthy and costly court proceedings. Our lawyers pride themselves on their honesty, integrity, openness and results, both inside and outside the courts, and have been proud to help people like you resolve their legal problems for over 20 years. In order to be eligible for legal aid, you must meet the criteria of resources and benefits and comply with the guidelines of the competent legal aid commission. Legal aid boards determine eligibility for their legal services and the extent of assistance they provide in individual cases. To find out more about Legal Aid Queensland, contact Legal Guru in Brisbane.

Our reliable, supportive and competent family law lawyers are here to help. Legal Aid Queensland provides legal advice and funding to people who cannot afford a private lawyer. It is an independent organisation incorporated under Queensland law and funded by the Queensland Government and the Federal Government. Legal Aid Queensland may fund a lawyer to represent you in court in certain family and civil matters. If you need a legal aid lawyer to represent you in court or conduct your case, you have: Legal Aid Queensland provides information, advice and representation in family, civil and criminal matters. The Legal Aid Call Centre is staffed by information officers who can provide legal advice, legal advice or other services. Legal aid lawyers can offer free advice in most, but not all, areas of law. Legal aid may be represented in some legal cases, but this service is almost always means-tested (with the exception of victims of crime and minors). As one of South East Queensland`s leading law firms, our lawyers provide the highest quality legal advice and services in the Ipswich and Brisbane areas. To request deportation-related services for survivors of human trafficking, complete the referral form and email it to vsexton@legalaid.org. General legal assistance, including information and advice, is available free of charge to all, including through free brochures, information sessions or telephone legal advice.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the high number of self-represented parents appearing in family law matters. Men`s Legal Service works to address this issue by making it easier for men to access legal services that help them and their families navigate their changing circumstances. Legal Guru recommends that you seek legal advice before seeking legal aid. Our family law lawyers are experienced in judicial and out-of-court resolution and can help you navigate family law. If you have an urgent matter (injunction hearing or service of a family law matter) and would like to request our services, please call 954.736.2495. For general inquiries, please call 954-736-2400. Community Law Centres are independent, not-for-profit community organizations that provide free legal advice, briefs and information to their local or special interest groups, as well as a range of community development services. The work of Community Legal Centres is aimed at disadvantaged or vulnerable people, as well as people with special needs. Private lawyers, including family law specialists, also provide family law advice. If you are a man looking for family law support, you are generally entitled to our services. There are no income or resource tests.

Contact a community legal department or family law lawyer in your area. If you are in an emergency or life-threatening situation, call Triple Zero (000) for police, fire or ambulance, at any time, day or night. If you are concerned that your computer use may be monitored, please use a more secure computer or call the State of Florida Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 500-1119 or TTY (800) 621-4202. There is an “Escape Page” button in the lower right corner of the website that leaves you from that website. Addresses issues related to depression, anxiety, suicide and related mental disorders for everyone in Australia. Provides brief advice and recommendations 24/7. Lifeline also has an online service open 7 days a week from 7pm to 4am. You can access this service through the Lifeline website or the Lifeline online chat service. If you are accused of domestic violence, we can help you respond to these allegations. CCLA brochuresFamily Rights Worker Referral for Survivors of Human Trafficking Reference FormFacts about domestic violenceHow to get a request for non-disclosureRestraining orders for protection (video)Resources for additional assistanceMarriage and Troubleshooting Helpline Email: [email protected].

Helpline chat available. SANE forums for information and support. Anonymous and moderated 24/7. Visit the website or call 1800 187 263. If you require additional confidential support and assistance with your question or problem, please contact Infolink for Women by email at women@qld.gov.au or by phone at 1800-177-577 (toll-free, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Our goal is to help our clients stay happy, healthy and meaningfully involved in their children`s lives. To do this, we explore residency and contact options, while ensuring that the well-being and best interests of the child are taken into account.

A service dedicated to improving men`s mental health and well-being. Open Monday to Saturday from 9am until late at night. Located at 27 Station Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192. Visit the website or call 03 9994 1721. For more information, visit the DV Connect website or call 1800 600 636. As a not-for-profit company, we offer significantly reduced fees. Our fees are approximately 25% to 33% of the rate charged by for-profit law firms. Contact your state or territory Legal Aid Commission. Lifeline offers all Australians who are in personal crisis access to their 24-hour crisis hotline.

You can reach Lifeline at 13 11 14. Provides the information, advice and recommendations you need to manage mental health issues.