
Reggie Nelson Legal and General

Instagram: www.instagram.com/Reggienelson_10/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/reggienelson/. Perhaps the proudest moment was being invited to meet with former Prime Minister Theresa May. I happened to receive an email saying that the Prime Minister had asked me. I attended a roundtable, had a one-on-one meeting with Theresa May, and then continued to work with Cabinet Office. We are still in touch and we are catching up today. The biggest challenge I faced was trying to decipher the career path I was going to take. Having played football at the professional youth level, I always knew that football was the path I was going to take, but after giving up football at the age of 17, not knowing what I was going to do was my lowest point. When I said that, it also led me to do something crazy and innovative – knocking on doors for career advice. After spending three hours in London`s wealthiest neighborhood and knocking on their door, I knocked on the door of a senior BlackRock executive, and so I began my journey into finance.

A UK-based national education organisation that provides local learning centres where young people are inspired to make a difference. Fareed is a student at IntoUniversity Hackney South. Fareed heard Reggie speak during an IntoUniversity Careers in FOCUS program at BlackRock. A few weeks later, they met again to talk about Reggie`s trip to town. Reggie: University! I just said that I feel that was the case some time ago. The university was good. I never really wanted to go to college to tell you the truth. I graduated almost two years ago and enrolled in university in 2014. Before enrolling, I didn`t want to go to university, but I decided at the last minute. I studied economics for three years, did a few internships at university and graduated in 2017. So university was good for me. As I was quite short, I never really had the goal to go there to be the most sociable or to live the party life! I just left to graduate.

Reggie, now 23, says Quintin is something of a father figure to him and is in constant contact with the former Blackrock executive, who he says has never helped him financially. “Play the game, but don`t get lost.” Reggie Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background A few weeks ago, my school and other schools came to BlackRock, and you talked about how you played football, but then you stopped because you thought it wasn`t for you, so you went to college. I am best known by the media as the young man who went “from East London to the City”. During my trip, I completed five internships with various asset managers and a hedge fund in the city, the most notable being BlackRock and Aberdeen Standard Investments. I have a BSc in Economics, studied Mandarin alongside my degree, and recently completed a short leadership programme at Oxford University focused on finding future BAME leaders. What do you do at work to create positive change, influence decision-makers, or improve the lives of those who feel underrepresented in the BAME community? Lord Michael Hastings is a BAME character who really inspires me. He`s a mentor, a friend and almost like an uncle figure to me. For anyone who knows Lord Michael Hastings, the first word that comes to mind is “benevolent.” He is always looking for people, so much so that he dedicates his home once a month to caring for more than 100 young black men from all walks of life. After his father died at the age of 17, Reggie – a promising footballer from an East London social housing estate – decided to cross the city to one of the wealthiest neighbourhoods, Kensington, to brainstorm ideas for making money. Nelson Mandela is someone who will inspire me forever. I can only imagine what he must have been through, and clinging to values he believed in wholeheartedly is clear proof of the tenacious character he saw. I firmly believe that the toughest moments create the best stories, and he is the embodiment of that.

This conversation would change the course of Nelson`s life. Three months later, Price hosted a training day for students at BlackRock`s headquarters in London. The rest, as they say, is history. Reggie followed Quintin`s advice to go to university and graduated from Kingston University with a 2:1 in economics and Mandarin. He then held positions at Funding Circle, a peer-to-peer lender, before becoming an analyst at Legal and General, one of the UK`s largest asset managers. Nike, right. So let`s assume that Donald Trump said he would impose, for example, an increase in tariffs or prices on Nike products across the United States.