
Talisman Definition in Spanish

Cheney repeatedly mentions the 9/11 attacks, although ten years later the talisman effect has largely diminished. This word is part of the content of our premium dictionary version. This content includes thousands of difficult, technical and specially used words and phrases, including their translations, synonyms and definitions. A talisman is a spell designed to ward off evil or disease. The key ring of your rabbit leg can be your lucky stalisman. Of course, it wasn`t so lucky for this rabbit. The word talisman has existed in English since the 1630s and has its roots in Arabic and Greek words. A talisman is usually worn around the neck, but can also exist in other forms such as a ring or an inscribed stone. You may think of a talisman as a good luck charm, but people tend to take talismans more seriously – as if they are magically empowered to ward off evil spirits. Talisman power somewhat similar associated with the down of the young antlers of the deer, if properly consecrated. It is known that in the Middle Ages, many different objects should possess talisman virtues. The talismanic touch of gold immediately made peace, and a pact of friendship followed. As in the case of the Joan of Arc episode (and this contributes to her miracle), it was the wind that brought the talismanic gift.

Rich and beautiful in all its ancient ruby red color – but in its beauty lies a formidable talisman power. On the Riviera, skinny briefs are not only standard, they have a completely ironic talisman status. We have to explain that this free bilingual online dictionary contains all our products, which you can find on our product page. You`ll find that this is the most comprehensive bidirectional bilingual English-Spanish dictionary on the internet, displaying not only direct translations, but also synonyms, full definitions, fixed sentences, idioms, proverbs, usage examples, famous quotes, and compound entries, all related to your introductory word. In addition, it offers English and Spanish pronunciation, syllable separation and grammatical attributes. It also accepts conjugated verbs and Spanish feminine and plural forms as valid entries. Take a look at what you can get for upgrading to our premium dictionary for a very low cost. Click here for an overview of the premium dictionary Welcome to the trial version of our online premium dictionary. You now have limited access to our comprehensive dictionary engine. Enjoy! To take full advantage of the dictionary feature, sign up for our premium online dictionary. * English definitions of: WordNet 2.0 Copyright 2003 by Princeton University.

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