
Ted Talks 6 Rules

Yves Morieux, director of the BCG Institute for Organization, offers his 6 rules to simplify life in the office. He explains that as business complexity increases, people become dissatisfied and demotivated – and old business approaches no longer work to solve this problem. Morieux is committed to collaborating in the office, which uses fewer resources and less time. In addition, implementing structural changes in the company can greatly improve productivity and motivation. Watch the conference for its 6 tips for managing the complexity of the new business without getting too complicated. In this energetic talk, titled “As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules to Simplify,” Morieux lays out six rules for “smart simplicity”: TED limits discussions to just 18 minutes (and yes, some speakers break that rule), but in general, it`s a hard rule. The TEDx speakers I coached were told they wouldn`t download their talk if it lasted longer than 18 minutes. This fixed approach forces speakers to organize their thoughts and go hunting. Some corporate events now borrow this idea and limit their corporate pitches to just 18 minutes. Wow, what a difference! You really need to organize their thoughts. Try it at your next event. TED talks attract the audience from the first moment with a fascinating opening, a catch.

A hook creates curiosity, excitement or interest. A hook connects the audience to the topic by answering the question: “Why listen?” It can be a statistic, a question, a joke or anything that makes us hear more. For example, in his TED Talk, Dr. Daniel Amen captivated the audience with his opening statement: “In this talk, I`m going to tell you the most important thing I`ve learned from 83,000 brain scans.” Corporate conversations often begin with a long and boring introduction, where the speaker says hello, then thanks the host, the audience and their taxi driver before creating a long and boring agenda. People sleep before the speaker even starts. It`s an old-fashioned approach – a speaker tells the audience how they`re going to bore them (the agenda), he bores them (the main part of the conference), and then tells them how they bored them (the summary). Today, we do not have the patience for that. A recent study explained that our attention span dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds when smartphones hit the market in 2012. Now the human attention span is even a second shorter than that of a goldfish. Video source: Morieux, Y. (2013), As work becomes complex, 6 rules for simplification, TED Talks “If you do that, you can manage the complexity, the new complexity of the company, without complicating yourself, you create more value at a lower cost,” explains Yves Morieux. I should note that some people like podiums (anxious moderators and university professors often fall into this category).

For persistent speakers, TED made exceptions. But for nervous speakers, that`s not the answer. There are several tools we use to reduce your anxiety, and none of these tools involve hiding behind a podium. We hope you found our selection useful – for productive working sessions! Kimberly VanLandingham is an international trainer, consultant, speaker and owner of European Market Link Sàrl (including PresentationTrainingSwitzerland.ch.) She trains TEDx speakers and assists technical and business clients with international presentations and communications. Kimberly holds degrees in Engineering (BSEE) and Communications (MACCC) and over 20 years of corporate experience in international sales, marketing and business management at DuPont. Learn more. Next time, start by ticking, skip the boring agenda exam and jump into your idea that is worth sharing. Can you believe that we are already in March? How time flies! If you`re feeling stressed or overworked, fear not, our TED Talks topic for this month is productivity. Learn how to make the most of your time in these inspirational clips.