
La Venta De Loros Es Legal

Illegal trade is driving many bird species to extinction. It turns out that 9 out of 10 individuals captured die in transfer before being sold, due to poor capture and transport conditions. For the Serfor spokeswoman, it is illegal to preserve wild animals from their habitat, far from their peers, and then market them on the black market or on the street, as happened during the race of Andean foxes on the central market for S/50 soles. The vast majority of Mexican parakeets are sold on the street or highway by street vendors, in markets or in tianguis. Many of these vendors and outlets are not allowed to sell on the street or sell wild animals. During these months, the number of forum posts about the sale of parrots, songbirds and ornamental birds often appears on social networks such as Facebook. Due to the time of birth of specimens of these species, the demand for certain increases such as the yellow-naped parrot or “Tehuano” (Amazona auropalliata), the green macaw (Ara militaris), the parakeet (Aratinga canicularis or Eupsittula canicularis), the Cucha parrot or yellow cheeks (Amazona autumnalis). Since their extraction takes place while they are still chickens, it is easier to get used to the person feeding them by identifying them as their benefactor and establishing the emotional connection between wildlife and the person. During this period, this type of specimens is mainly freshly feathered offspring, the age of which usually does not exceed one month, since they are extracted from their nests only two or three days after the birth of their nests.

Faced with this situation, the institution ordered the creation of zoocriaderos, of which there are 47 in total in Peru nationwide, to ensure the legal sale of wild animals that are not threatened with extinction and can be treated in captivity, such as some turtles, iguanas, caimans, parrots and toucans. You should know that it is legal to have a parrot in your home, but as long as you have officially bought it and abide by the law. You need to ask that they give you the bird`s documentation at the time of purchase and check that everything is correct. In CurioSfera-Animales.com we give you some tips so that you can do it well. FACEBOOK You can report the illegal sale of Psittacidae in Facebook posts. He stabs in the three dots that appear in the upper right corner of the publication, then he bites into the publication of the report or asks for help, then he bites on unauthorized sales, then he bites into endangered animals, then he bites into the publication of the report and that`s it. In Argentina, more than 100 species of birds are affected by illegal trade. The most sought after are red-tufted cardinals, yellow cardinals, forest king, goldfinches, royal blackberries, toucans, talking parrots, macaws and flies. Some cost more than 3000 pesos and others much more.

Today, the illegal sale of Mexican parakeets and macaws has spread on the Internet. On several sites selling merchandise, classifieds, business pages, Facebook, etc., different types of Mexican parrots are offered for sale and everything is illegal. Fortunately, during these periods, as many birds as possible tend to come from the brood. For example, in countries such as the United States and Spain, the sale of wild animals is not allowed. Only captive breeding birds may be sold. However, there are a few parrots, such as the yellow-faced parakeet or pasha parrot, black-winged parrot, red-faced parrot, among others, that are threatened by illegal trade, according to the Red Book: Threatened Wildlife Species of Peru. These cannot be offered on livestock farms. “The presence of parrots in many homes is normalized. Although they can be found in some zoocriaderos or parks in Lima, such as Campo de Marte; It is better that they continue in their natural habitat because they need space to fly and not in small cages,” says the spokeswoman. In Peru, 442 species of wild animals are traded every day, and in the face of this situation, Serfor constantly promotes the campaign: if you buy, you are complicit in preventing other people from being judged to buy these animals and feed the smuggling network that maintains this huge illegal trade that destroys many species. Not only will this violate environmental law, but in many cases it will also violate the sales policies of the sites where they are advertised.

If you see Mexican parrot species sold, report it on the PROFEPA website. On the other hand, the main goal of the illegal trade in live wildlife is “mascotism,” Gálvez-Durand explains. Supreme Decree D.S 019-2015 / Minagri establishes the regulation of Forest and Wildlife Law No. 29763 for the management of wild animals. For many years, many species suffer persecution and indiscriminate capture due to the excellent properties and characteristics of parrots. As a result, the global population in the wild has declined alarmingly, making parrots on the verge of extinction in a dangerous way (see news here). When we go to the market, tianguis, a pet store or witness the sale of parakeets on the street or on the street, it is necessary to distinguish a wild parakeet from a parakeet bred in captivity or non-Mexican, that is, it is an exotic species for our country. It is illegal to paint or discolor the feathers of budgies. However, many sellers do just this to trick their customers and sell them cat for rabbit. The most common practice is to color their heads yellow so that they look like yellow-headed parakeets. Article 190.- The popular complaint may be made by any person, provided that it is submitted in writing and contains: I.

name or company, address, telephone number of the complainant and, where applicable, of his legal representative; II.- Acts, facts or omissions reported; III.- Data that make it possible to identify the alleged perpetrator or to locate the polluting source, and IV.- The evidence presented by the complainant Prohibited is the marketing of wild birds – also called native or native birds – and which are illegally obtained from the wild for sale. They cannot and should not be considered pets, because the living conditions we can offer in our homes are not optimal for their development. “We do not recommend keeping animals in cages, whether they are allowed or exotic. Of course, we are strictly against hunting and capturing wild animals, as well as buying and selling them,” Máqueda replies. However, parrots have grown into large companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars. No other bird family attracts as much interest and investment. In addition to birds, many other species suffer from illegal trade. For example, turtles are one of the most popular pets, but their sale is prohibited within national jurisdiction, as is their interprovincial transit. This means that all the turtles we see in bird shops, vets and kindergartens are illegal. The same goes for monkeys, foxes, boas and other animals. If the seller refuses to give you a referral form, invoice or information, it is very likely that they are wild or illegal specimens, DO NOT BUY THEM.

The flora and fauna of Mexico are everyone`s responsibility; Parrots are a clear example of the vulnerability of these animals due to the illegal trade to which they are subjected. In Mexico, the sale and distribution of national psittacines (parrots, parakeets, macaws and parrots) is prohibited due to their fragile conservation status, as many national species are threatened or threatened with extinction. However, the possession of these birds is very common, perhaps you have even met one of them before. Therefore, it is important to know the species that can be acquired legally and to distinguish them from those that certainly carry a background of abuse and suffering. Birds should always have rings that explain their origin. In any case, we must bear in mind that many traders tend to pass off animals as “legal” when they really are not. We have to be very vigilant. In the Federal District, the sale of animals on public roads is prohibited. Article 25 of the Animal Protection Act of the Federal District prohibits the sale of animals of any kind on public roads, in department stores and self-service stores whose activity is not the sale of animals.

That is, the sale of parakeets and macaws on the street is prohibited. Street poultry sellers break the law. In addition, article 26 of the same law provides that any person who has knowledge of such facts is obliged to inform the competent authority. You have the right to report to the authorities any violation of environmental legislation Parrots are a fundamental part of the great biodiversity of our country. The kindness and beauty of these birds led them to be exploited on a much larger scale than any other bird family. Their perseverance, longevity and ability to imitate human language are qualities that attract attention and make many people want them in their homes.